
The Wardens act as your first port of call for help and support for any matters relating to life in halls. The Wardening team are here for your safety, wellbeing and discipline – but also to make sure the Hall runs smoothly and you have an enjoyable first year at university.

Wilson House has a Warden, an Assistant Warden, and seven Sub-Wardens (who together make up the Wardening team). The wardening team are here for you, so don’t hesitate to stop by or approach anyone of us if you see us in the hall. We wish you a very happy and successful year, and look forward to meeting you all! 
Meet the Wardening team below.



Hi there! My name is Luke and I am a Research Associate in the Centre for Higher Education Research and Scholarship. My ‘day job’ researching education isn’t a million miles away from my work in halls – I’m all about improving the lives of students! I was at one point an Imperial Fresher like yourselves having studied BSc Geology and can safely say that you’re joining an outstanding institution, including one of the best Imperial halls located on the doorstep of Hyde Park. My only advice to you is to make the most of what Imperial and London can offer.  

Outside of work, I’ve always been physically active having played sports like basketball and badminton. I’m very close with my family and friends, which means I also understand the challenges associated with moving away from home to attend university. I therefore see my role as Warden as leading our incredibly capable team of Hall Seniors and Subwardens to help you get the best out of your first year socially and academically. Don’t be afraid to get involved with everything here at Wilson House and to reach out to our team in future. I’m looking forward to the year ahead and to meeting you!


Assistant Warden

Hi everyone! My name is Harry, and I am a postdoctoral researcher at Imperial in the Mechanical Engineering Department. My research is in fire science, to understand how fires behave in buildings and nature! I have been at Imperial for nine years, so trust me when I say it is an amazing place and you will have a wonderful time here. In my free time, I enjoy playing video and board games, making cocktails, and cycling around London. Welcome to Wilson House (and Imperial!), I hope you all have an exciting and enjoyable time here. If you have any questions, whether it’s where the laundry room is, or where are the best nearby pubs, feel free to ask!



Hello hello! Welcome to your new home in Wilson! My name is Charlie and I am a PhD student in the Aero department. I have lived in London my whole life, which I realise is a bit boring but at least I can give you tips!

Before starting my PhD I also did my undergrad here (as you can probably tell by now, I really don’t move around much), so I know what it feels like living in halls. First year in halls was one of my highlights at university and I hope you get to make some amazing memories too. I would definitely recommend joining some societies as it’s a great way to make new friends and do something fun. I joined the hockey and rocketry societies and loved both!

In my spare time I love to exercise. I’m usually going for a run round Hyde Park or along the canal, or at Ethos (the gym in South Kensington) lifting some weights. I recently started doing triathlons and used to do martial arts. I love playing hockey and watching football, although you’ll have to guess what my favourite team is. When I’m not doing something active, I spend the rest of my free time making rockets with the university’s rocketry team.

Moving away from home and into halls is a big transition but can also be an amazing experience. I really enjoyed it and I hope you do too. If you ever need anything, please feel free to say hi! Most importantly, enjoy your time in Wilson!


Hi everyone, and welcome to Wilson House! I’m Amalia, I’m from Cyprus and I’ve been quite indecisive when it comes to my studies, I did a Mechanical Engineering undergrad, then a Masters in Bioengineering and now I’m doing a PhD under the Department of Chemistry (very much an imposter there, I do not know any chemistry).

In my free time I dance in classes or just alone in my room and I also like playing board games, especially dungeons and dragons with my friends. I’m a very big nerd, always looking for new anime recommendations, world building ideas and discussions about fantasy and sci-fi. If I’m exploring the great outdoors then I’m always up for hikes, camping and interacting with any weird animals I might find. London is a very big place and my favourite thing about it is that here you can be whoever you want to be! Going out to see a musical or eat at a food market is always a lot of fun. Imperial also offers tons of opportunities to get involved in societies, volunteering and many many different projects. Me and the rest of the subbies are here to help you ease into your new life in London as well as Imperial and have fun so feel free to approach me anytime to have a chat:) (I promise to show you pictures of my cats back home!)


Hello everyone and welcome to Wilson House, Imperial College London! I am a sub warden at your new student accommodation, and I am looking forward to meeting you all!

My name is Maria and I come from a sunny Mediterranean country, Greece. I have been in London for 7 years now, and I moved here as part of my undergraduate degree for an Erasmus placement programme; therefore, I can deeply understand the transition to a new country at your age. I promise you that here at Wilson House, our team of wardens will make it an exciting experience for you!

I have studied Biology and did my MSc in Biomedical Research. I am currently undergoing my PhD studies at Imperial, focusing on cancer immunotherapy. Feel free to reach out for more information if you are interested in the field! In my free time, I enjoy traveling, exercising, playing tennis, watching movies, and hanging out with friends. I also love teaching and it is something I wish to be part of my future career. I currently teach undergraduate and post-graduate modules here at Imperial College, and I am also supervising students in the lab. Finally, I am part of the PhD representative community of the Bioengineering department of the College, whereby we assist fellow PhD students and organise events for them!

I am more than happy to assist with anything you need, and I am positive that London will steal your hearts as it did with mine! See you in October!


Hi everyone! A very warm welcome to Wilson House and to London! I’m Katlo from Botswana and I’m a PhD student in the Materials department. I’ve lived in the UK for six years now, spending four of these studying Chemical Engineering with Management at the University of Edinburgh.

In my leisure time I enjoy taking short walks or jogs and sightseeing. I’m big on podcasts and journaling and enjoy comedy and action movies the most. I’ve recently decided to try dodgeball with the union; give it a go, I recommend (when it’s safe to do so I mean), it’s so much fun!

Imperial and London have a lot to offer, tons of places to explore and many new things to learn and try. While you’re here, I hope you grow to love and feel at home, and this is where myself and the team come in – we work to provide a support network for you and we’re here to answer any questions (or just to chat). If you catch me at one of our in-house events or around the residence, don’t hesitate to say hi 😊. Best wishes for the rest of the year & have fun!


Hi everyone! I am Mercedes from Portugal and one of the sub-wardens here at Wilson House.

I moved to London in 2017 to study Biomedical Engineering at Imperial, so I can understand how you may be feeling about this next step. Don’t worry, we are all here to help you make this transition and don’t hesitate to reach out if you ever need to talk. Imperial may seem overwhelming at times but make sure to have some fun, maybe by joining one of our many many societies 😉

I am currently doing a PhD in Biomechanics, focusing mostly on handstands. If this is something that you would be curious about, or want to learn more just let me know, always up for a good chat.

On my free time you can find me horse riding, reading, or grabbing a drink with some friends (especially when the sun is out). I also LOVE board games so if you ever need one extra person for a game just let me know! I look forward to meeting you all! And wish you all a great year!


Hi all, welcome to Wilson House! I’m Rose, a fourth year PhD student in physics and I will be one of your sub-wardens for the year.

I moved to London at the start of my PhD following my undergraduate and master’s in chemistry at Manchester. My current research is on a new spectroscopic tool to look at chiral molecules. Meaning I use ultrafast lasers to look at molecules that come in left and right-handed forms! I’m always happy to discuss this or any part of academic life at university.

I love being in London, there are forever new things to do and places to see. Imperial has so much to offer, don’t forget to take advantage of this, there is so much more to university than just your studies. In my free time, I play netball with the university and despite my lack of skills, enjoy ultimate frisbee.

Wilson house is a lovely community and we’re here to support you throughout your year, don’t hesitate to come chat to us about anything, big or small. Remember that starting university can be challenging but you’re not alone in this – see you around!


Hello everyone, welcome to Wilson House! My name is Eduardo, I’m doing a PhD in Optimal Control for Spacecraft 🛰 🚀

Together with the team, we will be ensuring you have a great experience: supporting you, and organising many events throughout the year.

Having done my undergraduate studies at Imperial, I know how demanding and time-consuming your degree may be. Striking a good work-life balance is difficult, but definitely possible. I encourage you to reach out to me if you struggle with this.

Coming from Portugal, used to sunny beaches and lakes (e.g., Fig. 1), I understand the transition to London may not be as smooth as desired, especially when English is not your native language, so if you feel homesick, don’t hesitate in reaching out.

I hope you have a great year!