
Moving away from home, potentially in a new country can be hard. Find out where to get support if you feel you need it
Quick version of this page: Call the Duty Warden on 07801 649 400 to chat about any problem and seek immediate assistance.

Long version of this page:

The most important thing to realise is that everyone at Imperial wants you to succeed, and that no-one will seek to discriminate you in any way. You should talk to whoever you feel most comfortable to; but there are a lot of options and a lot of people to help you. Nothing is too big, or too small. Please do not suffer in silence: tell someone if there is an issue. Even if you tell the “wrong” person, they will be able to still help you, or redirect you to the correct place.

Who is there, in brief?

The College has a wide range of support services. Starting in Halls, you have the Duty Warden and your Pastoral Warden. The Warden and Assistant Warden can also be contacted at all times. In your department, you will be assigned at least one Tutor, and the department will have a Senior Tutor and a Directory of Studies and Head of Department. Most departments also have Student Wellbeing Advisors and Disability Officers which can provide you some support within your department. The NHS College Healthcentre works closely with the support services within the College, namely the Disability Advisory Service, the College Tutors and the Counselling Service. The Union (ICU, not its constituent unions – CGCU/ICSMSU/RCSU/RSMU) provides a trained advisor in its Advice Centre.

There are also a number of logistical support services, such as the Student Hub and Registry.

Where should I go?

Unfortunately, the answer to this question depends very much on your exact situation, and who you feel most comfortable talking to. No-one will force you to go to a specific service; it is completely up to you. The Wardening Team will be available any time you need to discuss any issue you may be having, and to advise you on a possible route of action, and to try help (if you wish) remedy any situation. You can, of course, go straight to any internal College or external Charity support service without going through the Wardening team too. It is completely up to you. Google “support services Imperial College” to find out lots and lots of information from across the College: this page is only the beginning.

If you do need any help, please do get in touch with the Wardening Team. Confidentiality is maintained across the team and we will only contact other services across the College if you ask us to.

Support within College

Student Counselling Service

This service is confidential. Can go to counselling for a range of issues including but not restricted to mental health, relationship difficulties, bereavement, sexuality etc. Counselling also offer occasional workshops on subjects such as stress management and self-esteem.

Book an appointment by filling this form.

The waiting time for an initial conversation with a counsellor varies, depending on your availability and whether you have selected a preference for an in-person or remote appointment. Currently, the waiting time for an in-person or a remote initial conversation is around 3-4 weeks.
Website –

Student Mental Health Intervention Officers

If you are feeling emotionally distressed and struggling with mental health difficulties, or feel a friend may be, the Mental Health Intervention Officer Team are here to help. You can make a self-referral or refer a friend, and they’ll initiate a conversation with you to help you get the most suitable support for you. Find out more about how they can help and how to make a referral on the Mental Health Intervention Officer webpage.

The ICU Advice Service delivers free, confidential, and impartial advice covering academic issues, complaints and disciplinaries, College accommodation, and internal and external signposting. Contact and complete the registration form to speak with a member of the team. The ICU Advice Service also works in partnership with Imperial’s Working Class Network and The Trussell Trust, a national network of food banks. If you are a student facing financial hardship and are finding it difficult to afford food, the ICU Advice Service can issue you a food bank voucher. More information on how we support students can be found on the Advice Service website.

Website –

Imperial College Health Centre

Book an appointment with a GP via phone call or consult the doctor online. This service is confidential. GP can give medical diagnosis and offer treatment as they see fit. One treatment that can be provided is counselling (needs referral from GP). They also provide walk-in service for Imperial College students even if this were not where you registered your GP.

Website –
Email –
Telephone – 020 7584 6301


Faith related issues. Rooms are available for use from 07.00 to 22.00 every day (09.00 to 22.00 on weekends) . Check website for more information.
Website –
Email –
Telephone – 020 7594 9600

St Mary’s Hospital is very close Wilson House (5 mins walk). The hospital provides care across a wide range of specialties and runs one of four major trauma centres in London in addition to its 24/7 A&E department.

Telephone – 020 3312 6666
Address: Praed Street, London, W2 1NY

In a medical emergency dial 999

Student Union Advice Centre

Imperial College Union Advice Service is a free, confidential, non-judgemental and independent service for all students studying at Imperial College. If you are experiencing a problem with your studies, your halls or you are looking to make a complaint against the College – the Advice Service is here to help. If we are unable to advise you with your query, we can point you in the right direction. Our advice Caseworkers can signpost you to the relevant service or organisation. Additionally, if you are a student facing financial hardship and are finding it difficult to afford food, the Advice Service can issue you a food bank voucher.

Website –
Email –
Telephone – 020 7594 8067

Student Support Zone

A summary website for all the support services provided by College for your health, wellbeing, career, personal development, etc.

Website –

Disability Advisory Service

The Disability Advisory Service is committed to providing the best possible support for all students at Imperial. Each person’s disability or impairment can affect them in different ways and therefore the support offered is flexible and tailored. Appointments available online or in-person with disability advisors and Dyslexia/SpLD team.

Website –
Email –
Telephone – 020 7594 9755

Sexual Violence Support

Sexual violence involves unwanted sexual activity that takes place without a person’s full and informed consent, including rape, sexual assault, forced marriage and sexual exploitation.

If you have experienced sexual violence, Imperial has a team of Sexual Violence Liaison Officers (SVLOs) who can provide you with confidential 1-2-1 support and information.  Disclosing or reporting sexual violence is a very personal choice and our SVLOs will guide you through your options in a sensitive and non-judgemental way.   

Website –
Email –

SafeZone App

Safezone is the College’s mobile app that allows all students and staff to alert, contact and directly speak to the Security team in the event of an emergency.

If you or someone else ever need assistance in an emergency, simply tap the alert button and the Security Control Room will be immediately notified and your location will be shared with them. 

SafeZone uses geofencing to cover every campus and halls of residence. As long as your phone is connected to Wi-Fi or mobile data, there is now a simple and clear way of getting help wherever you need it.

Download link –

Student Support Fund

College also provides emergency financial help to students who were in a sudden change in circumstances. The aim of the fund is to help current students who face unexpected financial hardship with their cost of living and excludes any support towards tuition fees or (new) visas. There is also a support fund for studnets who need a Laptop to access online study materials and classes.

Website –
Email – 

Personal Tutors

Personal and senior tutor within each department are first point of call. You can also contact one of the college tutors to discuss any academic or welfare issues

Senior Tutors

FacultyFaculty Senior TutorEmail address
Business SchoolDr William
Faculty of EngineeringDr Lorraine
Faculty of Natural Sciences (FoNS)Professor Ingo
Faculty of MedicineDr Jeffrey

Student Counselling Service

To find the Student Wellbeing Advisers (SWAs) in your deparment and/or contact them:

Student Hub

Can help with enquiries about many aspects of university life. Provides information about services available to students.
Website –
Email –
Telephone – 020 7594 9444

Wilson House – Clinic Hours

Clinic hours run 6 pm-7 pm weekdays during term time. Please come and speak to us about anything – even if it’s to find out about interesting places in London to see.

External Support


NHS 111
NHS Urgent Mental Health HelplineLocal Urgent Mental Health Helpline[DO1] 
NHS Mental Health Services[DO2] [DO3] 
Westminster Talking Therapies (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies IAPT)
Westminster Early Intervention in Psychosis team
Westminster, Queens Park and Paddington Community Mental Health Hub
Sexual Health LondonSexual Health London • SHL.UK

Charities & Helplines

SamaritansSamaritans | Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy | Here to listen[DO1] 
Big White Wall
LGBT+ Switchboard
The HavensThe Havens
SaneHome – SANE
Talk ED
MINDHome – Mind
Young Minds
British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) (charged)Could counselling change your life? ([DO3] 
Students Against DepressionThe Students Against Depression – Students Against Depression[DO4] 
Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)
Anxiety UK (charged)[DO5] [DO6] 
Drink Aware[DO7] [DO8] [DO9] [DO10] 
London Night LineStudents there for Students – London Nightline[DO11] 
Maytree[DO12] [DO13] 
Club Drug ClinicClub Drug Clinic (
Talk to Frank
Narcotics Anonymous in the United Kingdom (UKNA)Welcome to UKNA | UKNA | Narcotics Anonymous in the United Kingdom
Rape Crisis
Hope for the Young

Mindfulness and Self-Help Mental Health Resources

The kind mind series – Imperial College (free)
NHS Mental wellbeing audio guides (free)
NHS How to be happier (free)
NHS Every Mind Matters
NHS Self Help (free)
Mindfulness Meditation – Imperil Chaplaincy (on SoundCloud – free)
Headspace (subscription required)
Radio Headspace (on Spotify – subscription required)
Ethos Gym (subscription required)
Calm (subscription required)