Contact Us

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Get in touch with the Wardening Team

You may get in contact with the Wardening team in multiple ways. We ask that the Duty Phone is used for emergencies (when you require an immediate response) only.

Immediate Response

In incidents that require an immediate response (a noise complaint, a leak, locked out, etc), please call the Duty Phone, 07801 649 400, during non-office hours.

If your concern is during Office Hours, the Hall Supervisor team will be on site and most likely more able to help you. (Wardens have full time jobs in College and aren’t around the Hall during the working day).

Non-urgent Requests

Residents may choose to interact with us through eWilson, where you may log a request using “Ask A Question”.

Alternatively, you can attend the clinic hour, 6:00pm-7:00pm every weekday.

Alternatively, you can email us.